Friday 21 August 2015

Using an MBA to Prepare for New Startup Business Ventures
When asked if studying an MBA has assisted his existing business, Oliver prefers to focus on how the program is helping him with his new business ventures (Oliver handed over some responsibilities at Elevated Leisure to his managers upon starting his MBA) – after all, there’s only so much of a company you can oversee from 4000 miles away!

“Studying an MBA has actually got me thinking about starting a similar business in Canada. I’m looking into this as part of the practical component of my course. A lot of my colleagues are doing internships whereas I’m working on a business plan - so I’m using a lot of the resources from the course and my lecturers to propel that forward. I’m very much establishing this company from a theoretical standpoint right from the start. To do that I’ve had to include all the components that I’ve learnt from the MBA – including marketing, financial analysis, accounting, statistics and research.”

Oliver’s praise for McGill goes beyond the classroom. He applauds the way in which the course has propelled him into dealing with genuine business situations in his day-today life.

“The academic side to the MBA is a small component of the course. You can go and learn about accounting or statistics from a book or online, but the big value of an MBA is the exposure you get to real industry professionals. From this, you get to work on projects that have industry value. To give you an example, I worked on a creative startup business in Montreal that needed help with the logistics of taking a venture off the ground. We gave them the business plan to present to various government funding projects and investors. It was great to be a part of a procedure that helps businesses grow and be successful. That tangible aspect of the course makes it very interesting.

“Another example of this hands-on experience is through my Applied Investments course. I am with a group that is managing a US$300,000 endowment fund – “Its real-life trading and investment. We deal directly with the custodian and the brokers, and face the same issues that professional traders do. That simply does not exist at other universities, it’s totally unique.”

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